Successful professional investors consider preparation as one of the most important factors for their bottom line.
The Daily Preparation tool is based on the preparation routine described by the most successful traders.
This tool will help the investor to maintain a routine of preparation to act in the market and will lead the important actions so that he has everything he needs for a good performance in his investments.
As a Professional Investor, the Business Trading Plan is the most important part, and one of the most difficult parts, an investor must prepare to invest professionally.
Using our Integrated System, you will have the help to develop an extremely detailed and well-defined Plan.
Avoid mistakes and doubts when it goes put into practice what was planned.
The Trading Log is the tool where you record your trades and through the data collected, it is possible to keep track of your results.
Using our platform you will be able to simulate possible future results, and with this, you will be able to reduce and eliminate errors, and also hone your trading plan.
The Session Review Tool enables you to assess your performance and the effectiveness of your actions, from daily preparation, stalking, operational discipline, risk management and operations management.
It also makes it possible to ponder how your emotions were and how disciplined you were during your performance.
As screen time and backtesting, prediction exercises are important for the investor to train its view of the market, calibrating its confidence in the expected result for each operation and in its Trading Systems.
Whenever you are too confident in the answers, you need to lower your expectations,
If you are not confident enough in your answers, it is important to adjust your expectations, creating healthy and balanced expectations.
The Investing Costs Calculator is one Heroes Invest's products that will help you get better results in a planned way.
You will be able to simulate or verify the investment costs, and subsequently, create a financial plan where you will know how much of your money is destined to fees and taxes and how much realistically will be net to you.
The results surprise most investors, especially when comparing to a monthly wage or hourly rate.
Monte Carlo Simulation allows you to run millions of simulations based on your trades or backtests.
It is possible to view consecutive results, losses and gains, including graphical views.
All this information will allow you to have a much more detailed and specific Trading Plan.
You can also make adjustments to your system and financial risk for better long-term results.
Position sizing is a tool that will helps you decide how much you can trade and what you can comfortably risk.
Position sizing is a way to control the risk of your trade by controlling the number of contracts, stocks, and/or amount of money you use in your investments.